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The goal of each training session for riders is to develop the feeling of correct aids and as a consequence a feeling and eye for a correct executing horse. This feeling must be always verified and perfected by feedback from the ground. 


More importantly, educating a horse is not about monotone repeating the same exercise until our four-legged friend understands. This is how tendons and ligaments get damaged. I will show you how to develop movements via different exercises which prepare your horse for the final goal without any physical and mental harm.


Get more details of my training and schedule a session with me. CLICK HERE.

What I Offer.


Classical Dressage training Singapore


for Horse and Rider

Coaching must be according to individual characters of horses, body conformations, level of education and experiences. Same for the riders, by paying attention to their level of education, experience and best learning methods (visual, audio or taktil) by using different technical aids (video, cones, poles...) The riders will get a very versatile education to improve their seat to get the necessary base for further development.

Nevertheless will be the scale for the education of horse and rider always be the strategy which has to be followed to achieve a balanced and responsive horse and the rider an independent seat through a versatile training. To reach these most important goals I offer you seat schooling: on/off lunge, basic flat work, dressage exercises up to Medium class, pole work (


Classical Dressage training Singapore


& Work on Long Reins

Here we have two possibilities for the weightless work from the ground. Horses love this kind of work. They can participate in decision making since the trainer/coach can not force them to do any exercise because of a lack of weight - and leg aids. Furthermore, they don't have to deal with the rider's weight or with incorrect aids.


There are many reasons to use this kind of training. For example for young horses to make them used to the riders aids, to build up obedience and trust, for educated horses to keep them motivated and learn new exercises or if they cannot be ridden because of health issues or their age. It is a nice alternative to riding as you can also frame your horse and do several exercises e.g. rein back, lateral movements, trot, Piaffe, Spanish Walk even canter can be performed.


Classical Dressage training Singapore


Exercise + Fine Aids + Muscle build up 

Whether you need help to train your horse in individual exercises, adjust it to fine aids, want to build up muscles for the wellbeing of your friend or you are away and need some help to take care of your sweetheart. Just let me know what you are working on and want to improve or if you only would like him to go out and get some alternative work when you are away - every horse will be treated as it would be my own big boy or girl.

Carefully, safe and with a lot of attention on the mental and physical wellbeing without overload. Horses should always be released from training when they are still motivated and on their peek of best performance, so they will love to work with us in the next training session.

Classical Dressage training Singapore


Mentoring up to Medium Class
and Showing your Horse

Competing is great to see the progress of horse and rider. However, riding tests are very demanding for the riders skills and need a lot of discipline and persistence in repeating exercises again and again until it works out.

Horsemanship itself is already very formative for the personality and character of a rider. In my opinion, riding tournaments still increase this as you must be focused and really have a goal in mind. Competition riders must always think 1 or better 2 steps ahead to prepare their horse for the next exercise at a certain letter well in time. 

Classical Dressage training Singapore


Improve your riding

Access session picks you up at the level where you (the rider) and your horse are and prepares your upcoming rides according to your needs.


Also, I am checking in this access lesson where is the hollow and stiff side, We will also determine the following moving foorward to your training with me:


  • What are your highlights

  • How you can improve

  • What are the goals you want to reach


Classical Dressage training Singapore


Rider Warm Up

Riders must understand that the warm-up routine they choose for each individual horse can determine whether they win or lose their class. The significance of this pre-competition step is being disregarded by many.

In this session, I will help riders for their warm-up before riding competitions to go perfectly prepared for the test.


Interested in knowing more about the training and classes I'm offering soon? enter your email below!

Classical Dressage training Singapore

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